Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hey Long Time No Blog

Hey bloggers!! how have you all been?? i havent posted up a blog in ages - about 5 ~ 6 months....thats a really really long time =3= i probs start blogging again since it feels like i have a lot of things to share with everyone :) so much that i have on idea to start from :P i guess i can start from the beginning of this year?!?! actually nahh not bothered to type that much. teehee :33

I guess there is several things i can share with you guys right now or maybe get some help from you guy too :)

The first thing i can share with you all is that my friends and i have created a youtube account :) crazy isnt  it?? we didnt expect to get that into youtube that we start posting up our own videos. come check it out when you are bothered coz i know that raiza, herschell and i would love you guys just to browse around on our channel. please to tell us what you think of it. thanks guys ;)

Another thing i can share and need help is with my its hard to explain but i try my best. you know when like you act happy on the outside but actually inside your heart you are all sad and just want someone to hug and have a shoulder for you to cry on? but then you dont know why your sad and all. it's like i am having that feeling most of the time lately...even i am confused with my own emotions so does that mean when i am with friends my happiness is fake?? or am i actually having a hell of a time?? or just i am lying to myself that this is really fun just to boost my emotions up?? i am soooo confused.

thanks guys!!~

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